Basic Facts
Official name
Republic of the Philippines
300,000 sq km
116,000 sq mi
91,077,287 (2007 estimate)
Population growth
Population growth rate
1.76 percent (2007 estimate)
Projected population in 2025
118,685,776 (2007 estimate)
Projected population in 2050
147,630,852 (2007 estimate)
Population density
306 persons per sq km (2007 estimate)
791 persons per sq mi (2007 estimate)
Urban/rural distribution
Share urban
63 percent (2005 estimate)
Share rural
37 percent (2005 estimate)
Largest cities, with population
Quezon City
2,160,000 (2000)
1,673,000 (2000)
1,157,881 (1999 estimate)
1,147,000 (2000)
662,000 (2000)
Ethnic groups
Malay (including Tagalog, Visayan, Ilocano)
95 percent
2 percent
3 percent
Filipino (official; based on Tagalog), English (official), indigenous languages
Religious affiliations
Roman Catholic
84 percent
5 percent
Other (including nonreligious and other Christians)
11 percent
Health and Education
Life expectancy
70.5 years (2007 estimate)
73.5 years (2007 estimate)
67.6 years (2007 estimate)
Infant mortality rate
22 deaths per 1,000 live births (2007 estimate)
Population per physician
860 people (2004)
Population per hospital bed
1,000 people (2001)
Literacy rate
96.3 percent (2005 estimate)
96.2 percent (2005 estimate)
96.3 percent (2005 estimate)
Education expenditure as a share of gross national product (GNP)
2.9 percent (2002-2003)
Number of years of compulsory schooling
7 years (2002-2003)
Number of students per teacher, primary school
35 students per teacher (2002-2003)
Form of government
Voting qualifications
Universal at age 18
2 February 1987, effective 11 February 1987
Armed forces
Total number of military personnel
106,000 (2004)
Military expenditures as a share of gross domestic product (GDP)
1 percent (2003)
Gross domestic product (GDP, in U.S.$)
$99 billion (2005)
GDP per capita (U.S.$)
$1,192.30 (2005)
GDP by economic sector
Agriculture, forestry, fishing
14.3 percent (2005)
32.2 percent (2005)
53.4 percent (2005)
Number of workers
37,115,292 (2005)
Workforce share of economic sector
Agriculture, forestry, fishing
37 percent (2005)
15 percent (2005)
48 percent (2005)
Unemployment rate
9.8 percent (2001)
National budget (U.S.$)
Total revenue
$17,732 million (2005)
Total expenditure
$14,805 million (2005)
Monetary unit
1 Philippine peso (P), consisting of 100 centavos
Major trade partners for exports
United States, Japan, Netherlands, Singapore, and Taiwan
Major trade partners for imports
Japan, United States, South Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan
Energy, Communications, and Transportation
Electricity production
Electricity from thermal sources
64.40 percent (2003 estimate)
Electricity from hydroelectric sources
15.90 percent (2003 estimate)
Electricity from nuclear sources
0 percent (2003 estimate)
Electricity from geothermal, solar, and wind sources
19.70 percent (2003 estimate)
Number of radios per 1,000 people
161 (1997)
Number of telephones per 1,000 people
41 (2005)
Number of televisions per 1,000 people
136 (2000 estimate)
Number of Internet hosts per 10,000 people
3.5 (2003)
Daily newspaper circulation per 1,000 people
82 (1996)
Number of motor vehicles per 1,000 people
34 (2002)
Paved road as a share of total roads
10 percent (2003)
Basic Facts and People sections
Area data are from the statistical bureaus of individual countries. Population, population growth rate, and population projections are from the United States Census Bureau, International Programs Center, International Data Base (IDB) ( Urban and rural population data are from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN), FAOSTAT database ( Largest cities population data and political divisions data are from the statistical bureaus of individual countries. Ethnic divisions and religion data are largely from the latest Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) World Factbook and from various country censuses and reports. Language data are largely from the Ethnologue, Languages of the World, Summer Institute of Linguistics International (
Health and Education section
Life expectancy and infant mortality data are from the United States Census Bureau, International Programs Center, International database (IDB) ( Population per physician and population per hospital bed data are from the World Health Organization (WHO) ( Education data are from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) database (
Government section
Government, independence, legislature, constitution, highest court, and voting qualifications data are largely from various government Web sites, the latest Europa World Yearbook, and the latest Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) World Factbook. The armed forces data is from Military Balance.
Economy section
Gross domestic product (GDP), GDP per capita, GDP by economic sectors, employment, and national budget data are from the World Bank database ( Monetary unit, agriculture, mining, manufacturing, exports, imports, and major trade partner information is from the statistical bureaus of individual countries, latest Europa World Yearbook, and various United Nations and International Monetary Fund (IMF) publications.
Energy, Communication, and Transportation section
Electricity information is from the Energy Information Administration (EIA) database ( Radio, telephone, television, and newspaper information is from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) database ( Internet hosts, motor vehicles, and road data are from the World Bank database (
National Flower : Sampaguita (Jasminum sambac) National Bird : Philippine Eagle (Pithecophaga jefferyi)
The Philippines is an archipelago located in Southeast Asia (longitude: 122° 00 E and latitude: 13° 00 N ). It is surrounded by water comprising 7,107 islands and islets. On the east is the Pacific Ocean, on the west is South China Sea. See Philippine Map. The northernmost group of islands in the Philippines is Batanes which is only 190 kilometers from Taiwan, while the southernmost island of Tawi-Tawi, is a mere 60 kilometers away from Borneo.
Official Name: Republica ng Pilipinas |
Republic of the Philippines
Land area: 115,830 square miles or 300,000 square kilometers. The total land area of the Philippines is comparable in size to Italy.
Highest peak: Mt. Apo in the island of Mindanao is 2,954 meters or 9,691 feet above sea level.
Climate: Tropical with 2 distinct seasons: wet and dry.
Dry season: from November to May
Wet season: from June to October
Wet season: from June to October
Average year round temperature: 27° Celsius / 81° Fahrenheit
Population: 88.5 million as of August 2007 (Projected to be 92 million in 2009)
Peso Denominations: 1,000; 500; 100; 50; 20; 10; 5; 2; 1; 0.50; 0.25; 0.10; 0.05; 0.01
Official Languages: Pilipino and English
Capital City: Manila (Metro Manila is the National Capital Region or NCR)
The National Capital Region comprises the cities and municipalities of: the City of Manila, Caloocan City, Las Piñas, Makati, Malabon, Mandaluyong, Marikina, Muntinlupa, Navotas, Parañaque City, Pasay City, Patros, Pasig, San Juan, Taguig, Quezon City and Valenzuela.
Form of Government: Republic with three (3) equal branches of government namely: the Executive, the Legislative and the Judiciary.
Chief Executive & Head of Government: The President. The Executive branch include the Cabinet comprising of Secretaries of each Department.
Legislative: Congress of the Philippines comprising of the Senate (upper house) presided by the President of the Senate and the House of Representatives (lower house) presided by the Speaker of the House of representatives.
Judiciary: Supreme Court of the Philippines comprising the Chief Justice and 14 Associate Justices
More Facts & Trivia About the Philippines
There are more than 10 million Filipinos living overseas, of this, about 8 million are OFWs or Overseas Filipino Workers. According to the Central Bank of the Philippines, overseas Filipinos remitted a record high of US$ 17.348 billion to the Philippines in 2009, a 5.4% increase compared to 2008. The bulk of the remittances comes from the U.S., Canada, Saudi Arabia, U.K., Japan, U.A.E., Italy, Singapore and Germany. These remittances account for 10.8% of the country's GDP (Gross Domestic Product).
Dr. Jose Rizal, the national hero of the Philippines can read and write at the age of 2. He grew up speaking 20 foreign languages including French, Greek, Chinese, Latin and German.
The karaoke is a Filipino invention, not Japanese. Karaoke meaning "singing without accompaniment" in Japanese was invented by Roberto del Rosario. He called his invention "Sing-Along-System", which was later called karaoke.
The Philippine flag is the only flag in the world that is displayed upside-down when the country is in war (red on top and blue at the bottom when in war).
The Philippines is considered the "text capital of the world". In 2006, there were an estimated 35 million cell phone subscribers in the Philippines and about 350 to 400 million SMS (Short Message Service) or text messages are sent daily. This figure was more than the total daily text messages sent in the U.S. and Europe combined. However, China has overtaken the Philippines by sheer volume of users. It is estimated that in 2007, the Chinese sent an average of 1.6 billion text messages daily with more than 500 million cell phone users. While Filipinos sent an average of a billion text messages daily with about 50 million cell phone users. Even though the Chinese sent more text messages in total, they send an average of only 3 text messages per cell phone per day, while Filipinos sends on average 20 text messages per cell phone user per day.
Although the land area of the Philippines is roughly 1/30th of the United States, The Philippines has a total coastline of 36,289 kilometers while the total U.S. coastline is a modest 19,924 kilometers.
The world's rarest and most expensive seashell, the "Conus Gloriamaris" is among the 12,000 species of seashells found in the Philippines. And 488 coral species out of the known 500 coral species worldwide are found in the country.
There are over 70 different languages spoken in the Philippines with over 450 distinct dialects coming from those languages!
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